Miura 24h maintenance system

① 24-hour maintenance ②Preventive maintenance and Energy-saving ③Effective use of collected data and BCP


More sophisticated decision making

2nd category

From anomaly detection Prevention of accidents

O&M improvement by predictive detection

Automation of operation and inspection


Maintenance is essential for the safe, reliable use of equipment and facilities.
MIURA has field engineers throughout Japan who provide maintenance in an extensive range of areas including energy, water, and the environment.
They carry out preventative maintenance in advance to prevent trouble.


1.Vision and top management commitment

2.Miura 24h maintenance system
At MIURA, we believe that the service we provide to our customers after we have delivered our products to them is vital.
Centering on the reliable MIURA Online Maintenance system, we offer preventative maintenance that provides round-the-clock monitoring for the equipment of customers who have concluded maintenance agreements (communication specification) with us, striving to prevent the occurrence of sudden problems.
With approximately 1,000 personnel throughout Japan, as well as international facilities, we provide comprehensive backup that allows our field engineers to offer the best possible service to our customers.

Achievements and examples

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Company information


799-2696 7 Horie, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

Tel : 089-979-7123

Website : https://www.miuraz.co.jp/en/
