Anomaly Detection

Comdition Based Maintenance


Reform of corporate organization to promote transformation to smart

Digitization of information

On-site work efficiency

More sophisticated decision making

2nd category

Business process transformation

Data acquisition

Construction and sharing of databases

Information visualization and browsing

Utilization of knowledge database

From anomaly detection Prevention of accidents

O&M improvement by predictive detection


In the fields of oil refining, chemicals, gas and LNG, power generation, natural resource development, etc., this service detects signs of anomalies through the real-time analysis of plant operation data and identifies the cause-and-effect relationship of the anomalies. This supports plant owners in preventing the occurrence of operation trouble.

Please visit to the following URL for more details.


Analysis Flow
1) Post-Event Analysis Service
Through the analysis of pre-event plant operation data, this service identifies the cause-and-effect relationship of an anomaly and plans measures to prevent a recurrence.
2) Pre-Event Analysis Service
This is trouble-preventing support service which detects signs of anomalies through real-time analysis of plant operation data, identifies the cause-and-effect relationship of the anomaly, and alerts operators.

Expected Effects
- Enhanced productivity resulting from reduced downtime
- Labor-saving plant operation
- Relieving the stress load of operators

Achievements and examples


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Company information

JGC Corporation

1460082 2-3-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-6001, Japan

Tel : 0456828862

Website :

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