
About the Thailand-Japan Smart Industrial Safety Consortium

About the Thailand-Japan Smart Industrial Safety Consortium

Industrial and energy-related plants, such as those in the petrochemical, power, and gas industries, are facing aging facilities, a shortage of skilled human resources due to the aging of the workforce, and issues related to the transmission of technology and skills, as well as the increasing severity of disasters and the risk of terrorism. In order to solve these issues, industries, academia and public sectors must work together to adapt to new technologies such as AI, IoT and other DX technologies, drones and wearable terminals, as well as to design systems and develop human resources.

I believe Japan can take a leadership role in the Asian region, especially in the area of human resource development, legal systems, and technology development in the field of industrial safety. This consortium aims to develop new solutions and solve social issues in both countries and neighboring Asian countries through technological collaboration and human resource exchange between industry, academia and government in Japan and Thailand. Through cooperation with the Smart Industrial Safety Online AI/IoT Technology Catalog, we hope to promote technological collaboration and human resource exchange.

Thailand-Japan Smart Industrial Safety Consortium

Japan side Chairman


(Executive Director and Vice President, Yokohama National University)

What's The Thailand-Japan Smart Industrial Safety Consortium (TJ-SISC)

Based on the "Memorandum of Cooperation on Smart Industrial Safety" signed between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and the Ministry of Industry (MOI) of Thailand in 2018, Japanese industry have been collaborating with Thai industry to provide technical support and human resource development to develop smart industrial safety.

Thailand-Japan Smart Industrial Safety Consortium official website (Japanese only)
