
PlantStream is autonomous CAD with phenomenal precision and speed that converts the expertise of skilled plant design engineers


Digitization of information

2nd category

Construction and sharing of databases

Information visualization and browsing


Overwhelming speed and precision.
Autonomous CAD innovates plant engineering.

PlantStream is autonomous CAD with phenomenal precision and speed that converts the expertise of skilled plant design engineers into algorithms. From feasibility studies (FS) to detail design, PlantStream can be utilized across the entire engineering process.


[3D Plot Plan Study]
Arrange all sorts of elements such as units and pipe racks simply by dragging and dropping. You can intuitively design plant layouts even taking into account clearance and wind direction. PlantStream enables a wide range of scenarios to be studied in the FS/pre-FEED stages without compromise.

[Auto Pipe Routing]
Automatically route about 1,000 pipes in a minute. What’s more, the result is truly usable, building in engineers’ design considerations, such as the pipe rack layer assignment and pipe sequence within the layer, properties of fluid, and connections. It enables quick and precise cost estimation during the FS/pre-FEED stage and seamlessly transfers the data to downstream processes.

[Block pattern]
Piping around equipment needs to take into account many requirements, including workability, operability, maintainability, and safety within a limited space. Block Pattern is a pre-set template of equipment and peripheral piping layouts enabling intuitive 3D model editing just by parameter adjustments.

Achievements and examples

[Accelerate design process]
PlantStream can automatically route about 1,000 pipes in a minute. At the same time, it features premium quality routing to satisfy every last detail of pipe design fundamentals.

[Reduce man-hours]
Centralizing workflow wipes out nearly all the adjustment work required for specification changes. This enables an 80% reduction of the man-hours spent on 3D spatial design.


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Company information

Chiyoda Corporation

220-8765 Minato Mirai Grand Central Tower
4-6-2, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan

Tel : 045-225-7777

Website :

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